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Pastors Blog

There are poorer starving Tribal Pastors in our ministry. They are actively working with us to spread the gospel. They planted churches with small group of people in their respective villages. But The village people are starving too they work on a mountain cultivating vegetables and they have no Rice rather they exchange their vegetables and get rice, to cook as rice is major food in south India. So these poor people do not have anything to give to the Pastors as tithe rather give what they have. Once in a year all these village people go to town for the work because they have nothing to earn in Tribal villages. So these poorer pastors remain with disable old people and Preach to the old people. Moreover in India if Pastor work and serve the lord society will think that he is not committed man rather he is depending on the world. It was society perception that Pastor should not work where as Priests of other Religion in India, doesn’t work rather depend on people offering. So they look at Christian pastors in the same manner. People don’t accept Pastor if he works and earn money.

There are lots of Pastors in the tribal region suffering without food and they are hardly surviving with their children. I know they eat once in a day and pastor and his wife having 2 pairs of clothes. They have NO vehicles for transportation. They are in need of food and vehicles. We would like to give them bicycles if God provides. There are 159 Pastors in our fellowship that needs bicycles and Drums and lights

We want Monthly Help to other Tribal Pastors too. We need at least $50 dollars for monthly Survivor and feed their family's Kindly join your hands together to help poorer starving Pastors. Thank you.